Big Scott drives for them and I'm positive there's plenty of info on CFI here. Did you enter CFI in the search bar?
I know they do hair follicle. and just.increased their pay.
CFI is a very good company. In my short time with them, they kept me moving, got me home when requested and I had no issues with pay, etc.. Their company sponsored training at Crowder College was excellent also.
A Company-Sponsored Training Program is a school that is owned and operated by a trucking company.
The schooling often requires little or no money up front. Instead of paying up-front tuition you will sign an agreement to work for the company for a specified amount of time after graduation, usually around a year, at a slightly lower rate of pay in order to pay for the training.
If you choose to quit working for the company before your year is up, they will normally require you to pay back a prorated amount of money for the schooling. The amount you pay back will be comparable to what you would have paid if you went to an independently owned school.
Company-sponsored training can be an excellent way to get your career underway if you can't afford the tuition up front for private schooling.
They do urine and hair folicle. I will be in Joplin around the 16th of this month. I have confirmed that Crowder's school is now 3 weeks and automatic trucks. Truck Dynasty is still 4 weeks and manual trucks. I have heard that orientation is now 3 days and I'll confirm that later this week. I will post an update then. They are not in the lists you mentioned because Brett doesn't have the time for the huge undertaking to do all those changes. However, the best most current info is in our forums. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. I went through CFI's training and have been with them for 18 months now. I am very happy with this company. We have some exciting changes in the works.
Jerry there are several really good CFI diaries; specifically Big Scott and Don.
Use the search bar on the upper part of the page to locate them.
Good luck!
I read several diaries. I was just confused when I looked at stuff and didnt see them included on list and reviews stuff like that. Big Scott thanks for filling me in. CFI seems like a good company and they have no problem with my past. I am guilty of forgery in 2011. Also my license was expired for a period of time this year. Big Scott can you tell me about cmp once your solo. Thanks
Jerry, At CFI, while with your trainer you're paid 26 CPM. Once you upgrade you start at 35 CPM. At 60,000 miles you go to 37 CPM. At 90,000 miles you'll be at 39 CPM. At 125,000 miles you will be at 42 CPM. Hope that helps.
Drivers are often paid by the mile and it's given in cents per mile, or cpm.
Hey Big scott does CFI have a dress code if sorts. Like tank tops slides stuff like that or do they let you dress comfortable.
I live in jeans and T shirts. For winter I have some flannel shirts, heavy coat and hat. You want to be comfortable yet neat. Remember you are the face of the company. You can wear shorts and tank tops, I would not wear that into a customer. I hope that helps.
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I just got a pretty positive call from CFI and I came on here to do research. I see some diaries and things but I dont see them mentiones by the website at all. Not in the CDL training. Not in company break down or even on the company list of hair follicle and urine analysis. Is there a reason for it? I thought they were pretty good size company. If anyone can answer a few questions about them for me id appreciate it
Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles: