Are you driving now? If so, how long? After a while, most drivers can do their trip planning in their head and all they have to do is enter their ETA and NAT, NAL on their company device. Are you OTR , regional or dedicated? If you provide more info you’ll get better help.
Usually refers to a driver hauling freight within one particular region of the country. You might be in the "Southeast Regional Division" or "Midwest Regional". Regional route drivers often get home on the weekends which is one of the main appeals for this type of route.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
I think he means the short test after teaming with a mentor for a few weeks. If so, don't worry. It's been a while since I upgraded but it was simple. They just want to know if you can use the atlas and complete the macros. You don't need to memorize them. Handling the rig during the drive test is much more important.
God luck
Nathan, Take a deep breath.. I just upgraded myself on Thursday last week for swift .if you have been rereading your hand book and paying attention with your mentor, you will be good. Your mentor won’t let you upgrade unless he or she is confident in your ability. If you have been running the tablet the. You should have most of them macros memorized by repetition. The other ones are easy to remember. Again review the hand book. As far as the planning part, if you have been involved in planning of stops and when to run to avoid traffic, and managing your time, you will be fine. You got this brother. And I’ll see you on the road
Sorry been driving I test out Friday but I know macros and I know how to read the trip plans I know if I’m going 300 miles it will take 6 hours at 50 mph but I’m just stressing grinch is it all multiple choice and remembering the number for the macros is what’s confusing to me
Sorry been driving I test out Friday but I know macros and I know how to read the trip plans I know if I’m going 300 miles it will take 6 hours at 50 mph but I’m just stressing grinch is it all multiple choice and remembering the number for the macros is what’s confusing to me
Hi, Nathan!
Welcome to Trucking Truth, good sir.
I'd suggest you read (if you have time) some posts by G'Town and Errol V., who both trained with, and for, Swift.
I'd be getting some SLEEP on right now, if I were you...and come back here tomorrow, after more of your training. As has been said, they're not going to push you TO or THROUGH your breaking point; they REALLY want you to learn!
Breathe, meditate, and sleep. If your mind and body cannot rest right now, you'll be no better set up for this tomorrow. Have FAITH in YOU and what you DO know, as of right now....and your FULL DAY tomorrow. There's a great chance, things WILL come together.
I'm a 23 year trucker's wife, and .. I know what you are going through. I was the calming 'NAMASTE' for my Tom, back in the day. He made it. You can too.
Have you ever heard of 'association games?' I'm old, but .. ie: ABC, easy as 123 .... let's say Macro 10 means 'do it again' or something that might rhyme. I seriously don't KNOW your macros. Don't do eleven you'll go to heaven. I'm MAKING THIS SHIX UP, but .. you get my drift??
Something like this. I've raised 4 kids; homeschooled the last two very successfully! Try something similar, haha!
I learned the PREAMBLE to the constitution from a SONG on Schoolhouse Rock. I still sing that song to recite it, to this day!!
Best wishes, Nathan.
~ Anne & Tom ~
Congratulations Nathan!
We knew you would pull it off.
That's some mighty fantastic news to read!
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I’m worried about my trip planning and macro test for upgrading I don’t understand it at all can anyone give me advice plz