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Deb R.'s Comment
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The push is from leftist doctrine that hates internal combustion engines, independent individuals and personal freedom, in short, Marxists.


Ooooh! Can I play too?

The Right hate science, want our prisons filled with minorities, would like to give guns to any lunatic who wants one, and would love to spit in the face of Immigrants who are not from Northern European countries.

Did I do good? I'm not sure bc I'm kind of new to using such broad strokes to paint an image of people who do not think exactly like I do. Plus I know the comment I just made is utterly ridiculous.

Thanks for saying something with just the right amount of sarcastic wit. I hate the "broad brush" comments that are made on both sides of the aisle.

BK's Comment
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“All generalities are false. Including this one.”

RealDiehl's Comment
member avatar
Thanks for saying something with just the right amount of sarcastic wit. I hate the "broad brush" comments that are made on both sides of the aisle

Yep. It's sort of a pet peeve. If someone else wrote a comment similar to what I wrote, and they were serious, it would annoy me too.

Banks's Comment
member avatar
Please stop the blanket statements.

There not blanket statements. If anything, you made the blanket statement when you said

The left is against the culture war practice of banning books,
There are plenty of people going to school board meetings to advocate for the banning of books like Huckleberry Finn and other literary classics.

It's their school district and their kids. If that's how they feel, they should speak up. It's how a democratic Republic works.

Florida has a school district where one single individual filed one complaint and successfully got 3 books banned because this mother didn't like parts of what was included.

If people are against this, they should attend these meetings and their voices heard. It's their right as residents, voters and most importantly, parents.

It's common sense as to what is and isn't appropriate for school libraries

You would think so, but clearly not the case today.

I am not someone who thinks that any and every book should be available for kids to read because there are books that are not appropriate for kids

I never said you were and I agree with that statement. The problem is, it's hard to draw a line. I think certain books should be available, even if I disagree with the message, because seeing all sides is how objective critical thinking skills are developed. That's lacking today. Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Whitewashing it to erase everything bad that has ever happened is problematic.

Don't tell me no one wants to ban books.

My response to you was based on the first amendment and a person's right to be creative and create a literary piece. You changed your argument and went on a rant about schools. Had you been more specific (like you demand everybody else be) and specified schools in your post, I wouldn't have said what I said.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Electric Auxiliary Power Units

Electric APUs have started gaining acceptance. These electric APUs use battery packs instead of the diesel engine on traditional APUs as a source of power. The APU's battery pack is charged when the truck is in motion. When the truck is idle, the stored energy in the battery pack is then used to power an air conditioner, heater, and other devices

Banks's Comment
member avatar
Thanks for saying something with just the right amount of sarcastic wit. I hate the "broad brush" comments that are made on both sides of the aisle.

He was speaking in general terms. There's no way to individualize 300 million people so people speak in general terms. I understand that everybody doesn't 100% align with either side but there are key points on each side that are pretty broad. So, if you're speaking about green energy and such I'd say that's a left talking point, like I'd say that gun rights are a right talking point. That doesn't mean that everybody on the right is big on gun rights like it doesn't mean that everybody on the left is big on green energy. They're general talking points.

Banks's Comment
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Florida has a school district where one single individual filed one complaint and successfully got 3 books banned because this mother didn't like parts of what was included.

And just to highlight your hypocrisy, did this woman go up to the podium and announce her political affiliation....or are we just making assumptions and "blanketing" an entire state with a political affiliation?

BK's Comment
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Banks, you make a lot of sense to me with your reasoning.

When I was in school there weren’t Bibles in the school library because of the separation of state and religion issue.

I never even noticed this speed bump because my Mom was determined to give me a Bible education regardless of what the school system offered.

Did it turn me into a religious zealot? No, but I think i benefited from the Bible principles I was exposed to.

When they ban books for no substantial reason and don’t allow the Bible to be included in reading material, I really question our society.

Banks's Comment
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When they ban books for no substantial reason and don’t allow the Bible to be included in reading material, I really question our society.

I'll do you one better, some schools won't allow the pledge of allegiance because of "one nation under God". I believe that furthers the division we see today.

I'd have no problem with the Bible being in school, just like I'd have no problem with a Quran, Torah or the writings of L Ron Hubbard. They're all pieces of literature at the end of the day.

When I was in school, if I made a point the response was always "defend it". Today, kids are told what to think in some schools (to avoid generalizing). That's a huge problem.

PJ's Comment
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I’ve been reading along with interest to see where this would go.

My biggest takeaway and glad to see it is adults can have a spirited conversation without name calling and labeling. Most of our society are lacking this ability these days.

It is perfectly acceptable to disagree wholly or in part. Discussion and debate are how we all become better people, it broadens our perspective.

This observation is not suprising to me though. Many successful drivers are type A personalities. Other types usually, not always of course don’t make it very far in this proffession.

Davy A.'s Comment
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The push is from leftist doctrine that hates internal combustion engines, independent individuals and personal freedom, in short, Marxists.



Ooooh! Can I play too?

The Right hate science, want our prisons filled with minorities, would like to give guns to any lunatic who wants one, and would love to spit in the face of Immigrants who are not from Northern European countries.

Did I do good? I'm not sure bc I'm kind of new to using such broad strokes to paint an image of people who do not think exactly like I do. Plus I know the comment I just made is utterly ridiculous.


Thanks for saying something with just the right amount of sarcastic wit. I hate the "broad brush" comments that are made on both sides of the aisle.

Interesting. I chose my words carefully. I specifically stated...the push comes from doctrine.

Meaning, of course voters are as different as can be. The doctrine, perhaps dogma would be more accurate, of the left is clearly stated by its leaders.

We have clearly established that it's not just a blanket statement, a loose generalization. It's a factual statement that is well documented many times over.

From Biden stating that individual freedoms are not relevant to Thornburgs clearly documented hatred of the internal combustion engine, the left's leaders, spokespeople and platform have made their position clear on it.

While the voters on left may not embrace socialism and communism, of course most don't, the platform can not however by its nature of collectivism be separated from the far left. Both Soros and Schwab have publicly stated that they want to remove private property ownership as we know it.

As I said, the right doesn't have the same agenda. It's based largely on individual freedoms and accountability. until one gets to something as extreme as say the Westboro Baptist Church, and even that is a stretch as they are a religious bent group, not a political group with no aspirations for policy.

In both parties though, I think it would be fair to say, though that most of their energy goes to self serving corrupt actions and policies. They serve their constituents, we the people, as little as possible.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

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