Bees In Cab (KW T800) Off Mirrors

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Andy V.'s Comment
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Anyone have any ideas on keeping bees and flying insects from smashing into my mirrors and landing on me? I drive with my windows down nearly year round, and I’ve been stung many times. A couple days ago, a huge Bumble Bee landed between my legs and I almost drove off the road! Hahah (not really, but it sure made me look away from the road for a second) Thanks

BK's Comment
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If bees are crashing into your mirrors, aren’t they dead before they get to you? Why do you have your windows down all the time? Are you a smoker? If so, quit smoking and roll up the windows. Problem solved, lol.

Deleted Account's Comment
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I'm not a smoker and frequently keep my window down. I enjoy the fresh air. 2 weeks ago a bird hit my driver mirror and I received....splatter....on my arm. It was quite disgusting. My windows are always atleast cracked when I'm driving.

RealDiehl's Comment
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I've only had an issue with bees getting into the cab on one occasion. Flies can be really annoying though. I was doing a drop and hook last week (can't remember where exactly) and left the window open while hooking up to my trailer. In just a few short minutes my cab was infiltrated by at least 6 flies buzzing around and taunting me while I used a rag to swat at the annoying, little b__t__ds!

The one incident with bees was while driving in California headed south from the Sacramento area towards LA. I was passing through an area with orchards on both sides of the road. There was a steady rhythm of pops coming from the sound of bugs hitting the windshield. I looked around and noticed beehives on the side of the road every couple thousand feet. I guess they use the hives to encourage the bees to help pollinate the trees. A couple of them got into the cab, but luckily they were lying dead on the floor by my feet. From that moment on I kept the windows closed anytime I went through an area where I could see hives on the side of the road.

Drop And Hook:

Drop and hook means the driver will drop one trailer and hook to another one.

In order to speed up the pickup and delivery process a driver may be instructed to drop their empty trailer and hook to one that is already loaded, or drop their loaded trailer and hook to one that is already empty. That way the driver will not have to wait for a trailer to be loaded or unloaded.

Deleted Account's Comment
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Flies can be really annoying though. I was doing a drop and hook last week (can't remember where exactly) and left the window open while hooking up to my trailer. In just a few short minutes my cab was infiltrated by at least 6 flies buzzing around and taunting me while I used a rag to swat at the annoying, little b__t__ds!

First time I went to an egg farm I left my windows down while doing my drop/hook. Terrible idea! After that I decided I don't care about idling I'm keeping my air on with windows up. They still manage to get in while the door is briefly open but it's far less. After I leave the windows all go down for a few minutes and that gets rid of most of them.

I've also found that making sure my windows are closed when a bull hauler is close is a good idea. The smell and "flying objects" is something I'd rather not deal with.

Drop And Hook:

Drop and hook means the driver will drop one trailer and hook to another one.

In order to speed up the pickup and delivery process a driver may be instructed to drop their empty trailer and hook to one that is already loaded, or drop their loaded trailer and hook to one that is already empty. That way the driver will not have to wait for a trailer to be loaded or unloaded.

RealDiehl's Comment
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After I leave the windows all go down for a few minutes and that gets rid of most of them.

Never thought of that. Less effort AND the added perk of keeping my dignity intact. There is no dignified way of swatting at flies in the cab.


Pianoman's Comment
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Don’t really have any advice except the obvious…might want to consider rolling the windows up. I used to keep them down more but I had the same problem with various insects getting in the cab

BK's Comment
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During the “insect” months, I keep several sticky fly strips in the truck, as pictured here. I have never caught a bee, but they are pretty effective for catching flys.

I’m convinced that flies are like people: some are smarter than others. The dumb ones land on the fly strip but there are the really high IQ flies that will not land on the strip.

As far as bees, stay away from where they go to use the bathroom, the BP station. Lol

Banks's Comment
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I also drive with my windows down year round. In the winter, they're cracked. I do it for the air and because it allows me to hear my surroundings better.

Andy V.'s Comment
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Not a smoker, just like ambient air flow. As far as the bees dying when they hit the mirror, not always. They usually fall to the floor then crawl up my seat somehow and end up stinging me in the back. I was hoping someone had designed a mirror and/or window net of some sort.

If bees are crashing into your mirrors, aren’t they dead before they get to you? Why do you have your windows down all the time? Are you a smoker? If so, quit smoking and roll up the windows. Problem solved, lol.

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