Happy thanksgiving to you PJ! I ran out of hours going into Wednesday. So had Wednesday and today off which was nice for a change.
Well, you're Turkey Day has arrived !! Don't overeat lol eh gorge yourself if ya wanna.....Stay safe and healthy all the time....I do miss the turkey n fixin's but eh my 65th Bday is on the 1st, told my filipina to not go all out on anything, maybe just a cake, pork n fish Now I AM ancient hahaha. Remember as a kid thinking, that 45-50 was oldddd!
And to all a happy & safe holiday season, as this 2024 finally ends!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and family as well
Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!
We got our first snow of the year. It wasn't much, but it looks great. It's more festive with snow.
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My family and I are wishing everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!
If your with family and friends make the most of it because we don’t have that privilege all the time!!
If your on the road be extra viligant and safe. Take the time to reach out to those that are important in your life.
We all have much to be thankful for this holiday season.
God Bless everyone!!
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