Hello stranger!
Great to hear from you, and really glad to see everything is going so well for you. I miss your straightforward no BS advice around here.
Guy, I am on day 3 of driver training with Tyson. I put your name down as a referal so as long as I make the cut you should get a little bonus in 8 weeks.
Wish me luck!
Guy, I am on day 3 of driver training with Tyson. I put your name down as a referal so as long as I make the cut you should get a little bonus in 8 weeks.
Wish me luck!
Cool but really was not needed. I hope everything works out for you in training. Make sure you ask a lot of questions. Nothing worse then having doubts when you have to making an important decision and making the wrong one due to inexperience.
Wow....Great to hear things are going so well for you. Im 10 weeks into Solo with Swift. I love your attitude. That seems to be the standard advice on TT. I am trying to follow all of the good advice in this forum. Keep up the good work!
Wow....Great to hear things are going so well for you. Im 10 weeks into Solo with Swift. I love your attitude. That seems to be the standard advice on TT. I am trying to follow all of the good advice in this forum. Keep up the good work!
To me its not advise. Its common sense. I hate not knowing stuff I need to know or having to change things at the last minute cause of something I did not know. I am just glad that I have a place that I can come to and express my thoughts on topics related to trucking and some people may just happen to learn something from it.
Operating While Intoxicated
Glad to hear from you and that all is well.
Nice to see you.
Glad all is well with you. Stop in a little more often - LOL...
Hey cool to see ya back man! Glad to hear things are going well for ya. Still pumpin out the miles I see. No surprise there for sure.
How you like driving for a private fleet like Tyson versus an independent company like Werner? Must have quite a few advantages, eh?
Good to hear from you and glad you're doing well. I wonder if it's you when I see a Tyson truck up in PA / OH.
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Its been awhile since I have browsed the forums. Just a few words updating for those that might have an interest in knowing though not sure why anyone would since I live a rather boring life.
Still working at Tyson and making pretty descent. Thought about posting pics of my pay stubs that come to the house, even though I have direct deposit, but that would just be in poor taste and bragging a bit. Benefits are great. Insurance is pretty awesome
Just to summarize Tyson and my time there(been there a year) 12k to 14k miles a month. That'[s an average of 3k to 3.5k miles a week at .43 cpm. Absolutely no restarts or very few at all. Mostly we run on Recapped hours. Lots of night time driving. Wait time ,when there is any, is paid at $100 per 18 hours of waiting which would only happen during holidays or plant break downs.
I mainly do plant to plant runs which works out great since we always have parking at our own plants. Every once in a while I will take a load to a Walmart or other DC locations which have a wait time of 2 to 4 hours.
Got a new truck back in February and already have 79000 miles on it but still new compared to other trucks on the road. Maintenance on the trucks are top notch. Have to be since Tyson leases all their trucks and have to follow a strict lease agreement on the trucks. At the Corporate terminal ,Springdale,AR , they have company cars available for drivers to run into town to do errands while at the yard. Home time is given on time according to the dates you request and they make sure you get it on those dates.
Funny thing happened right before home time this week. Now granted I know this may only apply to me and my DM and the relationship I have built up over the last year with him but this passed Monday I had to take a DOT physical for a med card again and all the company cars were already signed out and I needed to go since I had an appointment at 8 am. My DM throw me his keys to his personal vehicle and allowed me to use it to get the DOT exam done. Surprised the heck out of me. Perhaps that is just a product of being a good driver and doing a good job and building trust with a company.
Anyway this is just and update and not a whole lot has changed in the last year.
A while ago I posted that I was building an add on section to the back of my house and since I don't want to find that post I will just post the finished photos here. For those that want to see the construction photos can look through my pics.
The view out my back door. Love looking at the lake whenever I can.
Three different veiws of the new room.

A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
Department Of Transportation
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager
The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.CPM:
Cents Per Mile
Drivers are often paid by the mile and it's given in cents per mile, or cpm.
Hours Of Service
HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.OWI:
Operating While Intoxicated