Youtube Trucker Videos

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Chris L's Comment
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I don't know if this topic or a related topic has been discussed in the forum in the past I was wondering what is the TT community feelings on Videos posted by truckers? A majority of the videos posted I have seen basically bash Swift (I get a feeling it that Swift Transport is not a popular trucking company in the trucking community) and I have checked out a couple of Trucker Vlogs - Like Trucker Josh, and Trucking Answers, and Red Viking Trucker which seem to be the three most common Vlogs that come up the most when I do a YouTube search. I also usually get the range of Videos of either Drivers love their companies or hate them so both end of the scale. Some are entertaining to say the least. What is TT community opinion on Trucker YouTube trucking videos?

Pete E Pothole's Comment
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From my perspective as someone who is about to head to school. The Swift bashing is just people looking for a target. Swift has the most trucks on the road that takes new drivers so they will likely have the most accidents. It seems to be a common thread here and anywhere else. You are new you WILL hit something.

Britton's Comment
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It's the same as anything else. The complainers are always louder and more willing to share their opinions. Take anything from a single person perspective with a healthy amount of skepticism.

PJ's Comment
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I can only speak from my perspective.. The garbage you find on the most of the internet is just that, garbage. This is a performance based career... How long does it take to produce videos.. Some techies can probably do it fairly quick, but still takes time. When I’m running hard, which is most of the time, all I want to do is shower, eat and crash, in that order. I certainly do not have the ambition or energy to make videos. The folks making this stuff generally have too much time on their hands, and why is that?? Most likely because they are not the type who wants to put in the effort to be successful. They want something for nothing. You reap what you sow in this business.

It’s all about them, well guess what, this life revolves around moving freight, plain and simple. It doesn’t revolve around any drivers personal desires. All these mega carriers get bashed by disgruntled employees or former employee’s because the employee couldn’t cut it. None of these companies got huge by being terrible at business...Any driver that puts forth an effort and learns the ropes can and will be very successful. I have seen first hand reactions in the offices to certain drivers. Those drivers thought the world revolved around them and were very unhappy when reality sank in.

We are all human beings... How do you react when someone treats you poorly or disrespects you?? You sure don’t care about being very helpful toward them. Well same in return.. You treat people poorly and they will return the favor, trust me. This is a very fluid and complex business, things can and will change by the minute at times... **** just happens. If you can learn to be flexible and versatile with a positive attitude anyone can excel in this career.

The folks around here are wonderful, professional people that only care about one thing... Helping people be successful in this career. No one has a personal stake in anything, only the goodwill to pay forward honest advice from their experience. Brett is a wonderful person and professional for taking so much of his time to make this site possible. ALL the moderators give freely of their time to help others. The ones that have stuck around are like an extended family... You won’t find that anywhere else on the internet I can assure you. Anyone here could walk through the door of any company and be successful because of their professionalism. Just my cent and a half. God bless and always stay safe!!


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Driving While Intoxicated

Brett Aquila's Comment
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I agree wholeheartedly with PJ. The majority of what you're going to hear from the peanut gallery is useless garbage. In fact, it's worse than useless, it's harmful.

The world is full of people who have no idea how to become successful at anything, or they're simply not interested in putting in the effort. We've all known plenty of people who have spent their whole lives bouncing along the bottom. They never have anything nice, they never develop a solid career, they never get anywhere with anything.

Those types never feel it's their fault that they're in the position they're in. They always think it's someone else holding them back or something outside of their control that has kept them down. They're quite aware of their circumstances, and naturally they're frustrated, disappointed, and embarrassed by their lack of success or any worthwhile progress in life so they're always telling anyone who will listen how it's not their fault. They're always blaming, complaining, and criticizing. They're always playing the "poor me" card.

As PJ pointed out and as all of us here say all the time - trucking is a performance based career. Those who perform make the bulk of the money, get the most miles, the best treatment, the best equipment, and special favors from time to time. Those who don't perform get far less of everything. It won't matter what company you're working at. If you perform you'll have it made, if you don't you'll be unhappy.

Every company I've ever worked for has had drivers that were getting way fewer miles than me, weren't driving the nicest trucks available, never seemed to get any special favors, and pretty much hated the company. What's really telling about this is that oftentimes they had the same dispatcher I had! I was running so hard I was begging for a break once in a while and these drivers are sitting around half the time with nothing to do.

If you listen to these drivers long enough, and you're experienced enough to know when they're telling the truth and when they're lying, it won't take long before you figure out why nothing is going their way. They create all sorts of conditions and limitations and demands on the company:

  • They won't run at night
  • They don't like the Northeast
  • They didn't grow up in the snow
  • It's hard to see in the rain
  • They only want drop and hooks
  • They're only late for appointments once in a while (you should never be late)

.......and every time they're given a load that doesn't meet their exact criteria they throw a fit. It doesn't take long before dispatch is sick of them and just lets them sit while the more ambitious, willing, reliable, and cooperative drivers make all the money and get all of the best runs.

If you want to learn about how to be successful at anything then seek out people who are going to teach you how to get better. No one is going to complain, blame, and criticize their way to the top. Those knuckleheads are a waste of time. Find people who have a solid understanding of how things work and can present you with a clear set of principles and strategies that will teach you what it takes to get to the highest level. Exactly like this:

What It Takes To Be A Top Tier Driver


Substance Abuse Professional

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.

Drop And Hook:

Drop and hook means the driver will drop one trailer and hook to another one.

In order to speed up the pickup and delivery process a driver may be instructed to drop their empty trailer and hook to one that is already loaded, or drop their loaded trailer and hook to one that is already empty. That way the driver will not have to wait for a trailer to be loaded or unloaded.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Travis M.'s Comment
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There are several popular YouTubers that show trucking in a positive perspective.

These all seem to be professionals getting the job done.

JBG Travels Long Haul Larry Trucker Josh Trucker Ray (Life on the road with Yeshua) Big Rig Travels Super Trucker Dan Dale Clay Indiana Jack (is still posting but now works in the office)

Jamie's Comment
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I didn't like a lot of them, but I have been watching one every now and then called "Trucker Josh", by far one of the best ones. He just posts videos of his everyday life on the road (and at home sometimes), and not the typical YouTube trucker that complains about their job, etc.

∆_Danielsahn_∆'s Comment
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There are a few good YouTube channels out there. Some for entertainment, a a very few for actual knowledge.

Trucking with Double D"s (team couple for Hummer)

Trucker Josh (flatbed)

Driven Trucking (flatbed for Mercer)

Flatbed Chick (posts infrequently)

Those are the 4 I primarily watch. The rest, I will watch from time to time if I am just bored and want a good laugh.

Some of the best channels, unfortunately, the people left the industry, or just stopped making videos.

Dale Clay, Trucker Who, and Allie knight, are 3 that come to mind. And you can still pull up their videos.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
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