What Is Wrong With The Trucking Industry In USA.

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J.W.Dover's Comment
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It's not the trucking industry itself. It's all the other industries the trucking industry depends upon that troubles the trucking industry. Bad government policy regarding this business also makes life miserable for those who work in it. America's roads and streets are in a horrific state. They truly need to be brought to 21st century specs. They need to be reengineered and rebuilt with trucking as the center concern. This goes for tunnels, bridges and parking facilities as well. I get so sick of reading about how unsafe it is to park and sleep in certain locations. I get so sick of reading about how finding parking is so difficult. That our nation's bridge heights in various cities (most notoriously in the east) don't accommodate this industry is embarrassing to the country. There are no national standards to ensure that both roads and large commercial vehicles fit one another like a kid glove. There is no excuse for it. President Trump called for rebuilding America's infrastructure. President Obama called for this before him. We need to invest in America by making our landscape freight motor transport friendly from coast to coast. Truckers give so much to America. Truckers should be thanked in return with smooth navigable streets and highways and plenty of secure parking everywhere. There needs to be a standardized national truck route.


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G-Town's Comment
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How’s life in Idaho “Todd”?

Chief Brody's Comment
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How’s life in Idaho “Todd”?

Remember, he moved to Oklahoma. But I suspect he's actually in Texas.

Old School's Comment
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We need to invest in America by making our landscape freight motor transport friendly from coast to coast.

Ok, I'm not real sure how you feel about being taxed to death, but I've been paying taxes for a lot of years. Personally I think they are exorbitant. I'm growing cynical, now that I'm old enough to have a good reason to be. I've got to the point where everytime I hear a politician say "We've got to invest in this or that," all I hear is, "you've got to pay more taxes." I'm not interested in having to live on 20% of my income so the non-producers of the world can enjoy all the benefits the producers have generated.

Bad government policy regarding this business also makes life miserable for those who work in it.

I'm not miserable. I am quite the opposite. I am loving this life. I'm 60 years old and not the least bit interested in retirement. I could easily hang up my keys today and go home.

The adventure and challenge of trucking has me completely captivated by it's spell. Personally I get sick of hearing from those miserable truckers. There are lots of other careers available to them. What keeps them here? Are they truly miserable? Maybe they just enjoy trying to find a reason to be miserable. Honestly, I can't figure them out.

America's roads and streets are in a horrific state. They truly need to be brought to 21st century specs. They need to be reengineered and rebuilt with trucking as the center concern. This goes for tunnels, bridges and parking facilities as well.

I hear this stuff all the time. There's no doubt our infrastructure is aging. There's also road construction and bridge repair projects actively going on all over the country. Much of it is being done. It's extremely expensive. How do you propose to pay for your wish list?

There needs to be a standardized national truck route.

We have that already. It's called the Interstate System. It's wonderful. Wait, maybe you want a roadway system designated for truckers only - no 4 wheelers allowed. That sounds great! Who should pay for it? I have a feeling most taxpayers would insist that Big Trucking foot the bill. There goes your competitive salary, and here comes increased regulation.

I get so sick of reading about how unsafe it is to park and sleep in certain locations. I get so sick of reading about how finding parking is so difficult. That our nation's bridge heights in various cities (most notoriously in the east) don't accommodate this industry is embarrassing to the country.

Maybe you should quit reading from the sources you frequent. I just don't know why people can't figure out how to navigate parking or bridges. The Eastern half of our nation is the most densely populated. Anytime you look at our TT Tracker App you'll see the truckers are also concentrated there. So, the folks in the East are still getting their freight, the truckers are parking safely, and they aren't striking bridges. We know how to do our job, and we know how to find safe parking. It's called professionalism - something our industry needs worse than it's own roadway system solely designated for it.

I'm sorry. I'm sure many of the things you decry need attention, but you won't find the likes of me moaning and groaning about them. I have no problem knowing how to obtain safe parking and routes. I spend most of my time running in the Northeast parts of the country, so I'm well acquainted with the challenges. I earn some great money. I drive a shiny new rig. I'm having the time of my life out here.

I'm one happy trucker. It's really sad to me that you're so troubled while you're just considering this as a career. You might want to look into something else, or you may just need to quit reading about it and get behind the wheel. Experience it for yourself. Your vicarious trucking life is a miserable one. You need to try enjoying it for yourself.


Commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the Federal Department Of Transportation (DOT).


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HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


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J.W.Dover's Comment
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It's not the trucking industry itself. It's all the other industries the trucking industry depends upon that troubles the trucking industry. Bad government policy regarding this business also makes life miserable for those who work in it. America's roads and streets are in a horrific state. They truly need to be brought to 21st century specs. They need to be reengineered and rebuilt with trucking as the center concern. This goes for tunnels, bridges and parking facilities as well. I get so sick of reading about how unsafe it is to park and sleep in certain locations. I get so sick of reading about how finding parking is so difficult. That our nation's bridge heights in various cities (most notoriously in the east) don't accommodate this industry is embarrassing to the country. There are no national standards to ensure that both roads and large commercial vehicles fit one another like a kid glove. There is no excuse for it. President Trump called for rebuilding America's infrastructure. President Obama called for this before him. We need to invest in America by making our landscape freight motor transport friendly from coast to coast. Truckers give so much to America. Truckers should be thanked in return with smooth navigable streets and highways and plenty of secure parking everywhere. There needs to be a standardized national truck route.

I should have asked this question, "What can we do or say to improve this situation?"


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HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
GrayBeardinPA's Comment
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Todd likes using a VPN. So we really dont know his location


How’s life in Idaho “Todd”?


Remember, he moved to Oklahoma. But I suspect he's actually in Texas.

J.W.Dover's Comment
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Old School, the present state of America's infrastructure is no deal-breaker for my considering a career in this racket. I won't complain about what I observe here anymore. The only thing any American can do to try to effect desired changes is circulate petitions, register to vote, get out and vote on election day and write their elected officials to speak their minds. I also believe that manufacturing needs to come back to our country as well. Trump is my man for this November as he was in 2016. My studies have indicated that the majority of drivers support Trump. I also support all those in office who support national concealed carry reciprocity. Fixing America's infrastructure to truly modernize it will put millions of Americans to work. One big reason I champion the American infrastructure is because my grandfather was an Operating Engineer. I-280 from San Francisco to San Jose in California was built by him and others in the early 1970's. It is as smooth as glass. It is a model highway for America. I would like to see highways all over America as smooth as glass. They can be a true nightmare in flyover country. Potholes and uneven pavement are no drivers' friends. OUCH!


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Deleted Account's Comment
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One big reason I champion the American infrastructure is because my grandfather was an Operating Engineer. I-280 from San Francisco to San Jose in California was built by him and others in the early 1970's. It is as smooth as glass. It is a model highway for America. I would like to see highways all over America as smooth as glass. They can be a true nightmare in flyover country.

So what's your solution? The climate in the northern states is the reason for potholes. We either complain about the road or road construction. Either way people will be upset. What do you propose happen to keep these roads as smooth as glass?

Mikey B.'s Comment
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Mr Dover, to answer your question, not a lot. Mostly whiny crybabies that shouldn't be in a truck in the first place. Is trucking perfect? No but compared to many other jobs it's pretty damn close and that's good enough for me warts and all.

J.W.Dover's Comment
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One big reason I champion the American infrastructure is because my grandfather was an Operating Engineer. I-280 from San Francisco to San Jose in California was built by him and others in the early 1970's. It is as smooth as glass. It is a model highway for America. I would like to see highways all over America as smooth as glass. They can be a true nightmare in flyover country.


So what's your solution? The climate in the northern states is the reason for potholes. We either complain about the road or road construction. Either way people will be upset. What do you propose happen to keep these roads as smooth as glass?

With multi-lane highways, one are two lanes are closed during repairs while one or two lanes remain open for traffic. I was in Germany with the army in the mid-1990's. The Autobahns were always as smooth as glass. It snowed there during winter. One solution might be to construct more lanes if need be. Always have enough lanes for traffic while other parts of the road are under repair. I never complain about the presence of orange cones on the highways as long as my vehicle keeps moving. Perhaps widen highways as needed?

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