Not from here but a job I had
The 6 P's sticks in my mind....the last 12 years since seeing it on boss's desk lol
Proper Planning Prevents **** Poor Performance
Applies to a LOT of things I have found over the years
That one is too easy! That's the Boss!
I'm probably going to have to recuse myself from this game. I like it, but I'm way too familiar with the stuff that's said in here. I can sometimes even pick up speech patterns. I'm such a loser. I am a trucking forum geek. I need to get a real life!
O/S, we LOVE your wisdom . . . so WHAT if you guess em' all ?!?!?! IT'S OKAY!!! Just a pleasure to have you IN HERE, ya know?!?!? I'm looking for a doozy for tomorrow that NO ONE is gonna get! (J/K.... BUT I am gonna get a good'un!)
Stay in the game!
~ Anne ~
Not from here but a job I had
The 6 P's sticks in my mind....the last 12 years since seeing it on boss's desk lol
Applies to a LOT of things I have found over the years
Stevo, I LOVE that one. Learned it in high school, myself.
My teacher used the word 'prior' instead of 'proper' . . . but still, one in the same!
EXCELLENT, good sir ... THANKS!
~ Anne ~
I just read another Old School gem:
"Anybody can show up at a truck stop and find a bunch of whining malcontents to fit their narrative "
There's about 3 quotes that I tend to live by. I know they aren't from here...and this is supposed to be quotes from the forums...but I really like spreading these out.
"No obstacles. Only challenges." - From an old movie called Groove. Just means that you have NOTHING that can STOP you, just things that are challenging you to pass.
"No use getting upset and throwing stuff at a situation you can't control. Spend that energy on trying to fix it and find the solution." - A good, close friend of mine said that to me when my car broke down. Stuck with me ever since.
"Time is all we have in this game we call Life" - A quote I came up with when I was about 13yrs old. A way to remember that you only have a finite amount of time in life and you never know when it's going to end. So enjoy and make the most of every moment.
This is a really cool idea...I'm a HUGE sucker for good quotes.
Operating While Intoxicated
"You can go too slow your whole career, you can only go too fast once." Has stuck with me.
Thanks everyone. Very thoughtful Anne.
I cannot however take credit for watch your wagon. I just coined it per day, because it is incredibly true. We drive the trailer...
Almost all of the accidents I’ve seen and reviewed in close quarters and around the Walmarts is because the driver lost sight of the trailer.
If you can’t see it, you likely don’t know how close it is to an obstacle.
My trainer made me repeat all day “I am not a truck driver, I am a trailer mover”.
"Your lack of poor planning doesn't constitute an emergency on my part."
Do any of y'all have a famous (to us) and original quote from a member of Trucking Truth that rings in your head on occasion?
This one I came across today, I'm adding to my bulletin board. It's from an older thread, but it sure is WHOLESOME! (And, I'll let Y'ALL guess to whom the credit might be, haha!)
"An amateurish display of arrogance and ambivalence to safety." << Regarding ignorant CMV drivers passing incessantly and incorrectly.
There's a treasure trove of information on here for the new people, and I just thought this would be a FUN compilation, while educational, as well!
~ Anne ~
ps; ADD YOUR OWN!!!!!! PLEASE~!!! I'll be adding more, as I come across my notes and whatnot, haha!
From my software days: The only thing constant is change.
From my Army days: One "Aw ****" wipes out a whole lot of "Attaboys!"
A CMV is a vehicle that is used as part of a business, is involved in interstate commerce, and may fit any of these descriptions:
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That one is too easy! That's the Boss!
I'm probably going to have to recuse myself from this game. I like it, but I'm way too familiar with the stuff that's said in here. I can sometimes even pick up speech patterns. I'm such a loser. I am a trucking forum geek. I need to get a real life!