Owner OPs Leaving Their Truck Running All Night?

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Moe's Comment
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Seriously dude you over think and gripe too much.

If it bothers you so much use some of that nice $5K bonus to buy a set of quality ear plugs or perhaps a nice set of sound cancellation headsets (Bose or Beats perhaps) and fall asleep to some classical music or perhaps nature sounds.

It ain’t that hard……smh


At 50 it can be a bit cold for some to sleep comfortably. Some owner ops do not have APUs either.

If the noise of the idling trucks or reefers bother you so much, why do you park where they do?



Why do owner ops feel the need to leave their truck running all night when the temp is only 50-60 outside??? I drive a company truck and I don't leave my truck running... Owner ops are actively draining their bottom line and polluting at the same time. Some of them sound poorly maintained too, no wonder there's so many jokers parked on highway shoulders, and it's like being next to a pesky annoying reefer.

My message to these ppl: "Cut that btch off!"




I DON'T park next to reefers and I avoid rest areas and busy truck stops as much as I can. I'll park at the furthest end of a truck stop with a huge lot and some reefer will still manage to park next to me by the end of the night.

How will they survive if their truck or heater doesn't work and they're stuck in -40F weather? I have an electric heater and I'll only use it as long as the battery lasts. I have 2 comforters, a sleeping bag and warm pajamas to sleep in that still keep me comfortable. I also bought insulation for all my windows to help keep my truck cool during the summer.

I'll take the $5K bonus per quarter over being comfortable 100% of the time. If I invested those bonuses over 20 years, it would add up to over one million by the end. And the $5K is only part of the fuel savings since I'm a driver, owner ops get 100% of that. I don't know, I'll take retiring early over spending my nights in grungy and noisy truck stops.

And yes, I will continue to fight against the idea that truck stops NEED to be noisy and filthy places. A couple of decades ago, most people thought the average trucker was a plaid-wearing, chain-smoking, redneck that had to be on the road for months and months at a time.


A refrigerated trailer.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Auxiliary Power Unit

On tractor trailers, and APU is a small diesel engine that powers a heat and air conditioning unit while charging the truck's main batteries at the same time. This allows the driver to remain comfortable in the cab and have access to electric power without running the main truck engine.

Having an APU helps save money in fuel costs and saves wear and tear on the main engine, though they tend to be expensive to install and maintain. Therefore only a very small percentage of the trucks on the road today come equipped with an APU.


Auxiliary Power Unit

On tractor trailers, and APU is a small diesel engine that powers a heat and air conditioning unit while charging the truck's main batteries at the same time. This allows the driver to remain comfortable in the cab and have access to electric power without running the main truck engine.

Having an APU helps save money in fuel costs and saves wear and tear on the main engine, though they tend to be expensive to install and maintain. Therefore only a very small percentage of the trucks on the road today come equipped with an APU.

PJ's Comment
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Some maybe will find this creepy, but most of my overnight runs anymore I park at my customer. The cemetary. Always nice and quiet.

ID Mtn Gal's Comment
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Some maybe will find this creepy, but most of my overnight runs anymore I park at my customer. The cemetary. Always nice and quiet.

People were just dying to get into the lot beside our goat pasture up in Montana 😉

Our place butted up to the cemetery in the little town of Ekalaka MT 😁😂🤣


BK's Comment
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PJ & Laura, I have to say that parking at a cemetery is a hell of a great idea!

It might solve SCWZ’s grave problem.


Navypoppop's Comment
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You surely won't get any complaints from the residents.

Davy A.'s Comment
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It might cause his post to come to a dead end.

Ryan B.'s Comment
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I sleep like a baby with the truck idling. Plus I love to annoy liberals by belching out noise and deisel fumes all night long. Even better is when I'm parked in CA in an area next to residential and she decides to do regens all night.

I'll intentionally park next to refers. White noise is great for sleeping. Sometimes the frequencies of trucks idling can be negated by multiple trucks idling btw, it's called frequency cancelation. Although sometimes they can cascade, making it a pile up of bass frequencies, in which case I'll move or turn it off, not demand someone else to.

There are a ton of viable reasons. 55 degrees with 100 percent humidity can be just as hot or cold as anywhere in summer or winter.

Mostly though, the agenda of the progressive woke left is to eradicate anything masculine and mechanical. They hate the internal combustion engine, muscle cars, motorcycles, especially two strokes. The faster and stronger it is, the more fun it is, the more dangerous it is, the more they try to ban it in an effort to control everyone else.

They do it under the church of global climate change and the temple of noise reduction. Resistance is vital.

I disagree with your stance on the woke agenda.

Ryan B.'s Comment
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Everybody has their own level of tolerance for ambient noise, so if noise from adjacent trucks is keeping you from sleeping that will add even more difficulty to finding parking. It’s hard enough to find parking without worrying about the idling truck issue. To be OTR and avoid it on every 10 would be a near impossibility.

Many times in this profession a driver just needs to find a way to adapt to conditions and situations he has no control over. Otherwise the lifestyle and problems that go with driving will end your career.

If using a portable electric heater until the batteries run down, how do you then start the truck if your batteries are dead?

If this issue is a big problem for SCWZ, then I really feel for him. There are so many other irritations to deal with out here on the road.

I think the portable electric heater runs off of a rechargeable battery.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Brett Aquila's Comment
member avatar
I disagree with your stance on the woke agenda.

Which part do you disagree with? I agree with all of it:

Mostly though, the agenda of the progressive woke left is to eradicate anything masculine and mechanical. They hate the internal combustion engine, muscle cars, motorcycles, especially two strokes. The faster and stronger it is, the more fun it is, the more dangerous it is, the more they try to ban it in an effort to control everyone else.

They do it under the church of global climate change and the temple of noise reduction. Resistance is vital.

Moe's Comment
member avatar

I take it that you fall asleep listening to The Sound of Silence? Hmmm


Some maybe will find this creepy, but most of my overnight runs anymore I park at my customer. The cemetary. Always nice and quiet.

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