1. Reasonable home time
2. Speed of truck
3. Friendly dispatchers that know me and my quirks
After my first (poor paying) company, pay was not in my top 5 requests.
Banker hours. M-F. Weekends, holidays, birthday off. I can get off early if I need to I just need to tell dispatch (Good Friday). $32.65 per hour and I can work just about as many hours if I want. #11 on seniority board and I'm one of the Lead Trainers. OD is the pinnacle of the industry.
1. Pay 2. Equipment 3. Various start times. 4. 5 minute commute 5. Everyone is friendly don't run into many grouchy people
Plus everything Daniel said
OD is the pinnacle of the industry.
I concur!
The money and the hours. The call out policy is very generous, I get 2 weeks vacation to start and I don't do anything for free. If I break down, I start getting paid my hourly rate of 31.54 immediately. If the trailer isn't closed when it's supposed to be, I get delay pay for that too. I've even been paid hourly for sitting in traffic.
OT after 8 hours if I do p/d and there's plenty of extra work on the weekend if I want it. My commute is 15 minutes and I like the people I work with.
I'm not required to drive a day cab.👍😁😁
A tractor which does not have a sleeper berth attached to it. Normally used for local routes where drivers go home every night.
I'm not required to drive a day cab.👍😁😁
A tractor which does not have a sleeper berth attached to it. Normally used for local routes where drivers go home every night.
I'm not required to drive a day cab.👍😁😁
It's not a REQUIREMENT, it's an HONOR!!!
Here's the luxuries, PackRat! Day Cab Sleepers . . . YES!!
Here's how the 'sleeper' guys see us daycabbers!~ "You Think I'm Gorgeous!"
Be safe, ALL Y'ALL !! The weather kinda sux.. all about/in the 'central' US .. per the NOAA !!
~ Anne ! ~
A tractor which does not have a sleeper berth attached to it. Normally used for local routes where drivers go home every night.
I'm not required to drive a day cab.👍😁😁
Day cab is the only drawback of my intermodel job. Making much better money, home nightly, weekends off unless I want to make more. Inclement weather pay $250/day if we can't drive. Got paid for 7 days this Winter. Supply chain delays are affecting us right now. My manager called me last Wednesday that we didn't have anything that day, stay home. Still paid me for 10 hours. He knows I'll do whatever for our company...and he appreciates it.
A tractor which does not have a sleeper berth attached to it. Normally used for local routes where drivers go home every night.
Just curious to see what keeps y'all at the current company?
I like nice things. My family likes nice things. We love our beautiful home and are able to make improvements.
When our Daughter needs something for school or dance, we can provide it.
I'm able to be home weekly, sometimes more often. That's quality time not every company can make happen.
My company allowed me to take two weeks of vacation (back to back), TWICE, to care for my Wife after knee replacement surgeries. They've also accommodated other hometime for medical procedures and appointments.
My company has seven-day freight. That might not sound like a big deal, but many regional companies don't have weekend freight. I'm able to pick if I want to leave out on Sunday, Monday, sometimes later.
I rarely have to worry about finding a truck stop for parking as many of our pickups or deliveries allow us to park on site.
Thank you for allowing me to reflect. We can all find faults, but we sometimes need to be reminded of how good we have it.
Usually refers to a driver hauling freight within one particular region of the country. You might be in the "Southeast Regional Division" or "Midwest Regional". Regional route drivers often get home on the weekends which is one of the main appeals for this type of route.
Truck drivers who regularly pick up from or deliver to the shipping ports will often be required to carry a TWIC card.
Your TWIC is a tamper-resistant biometric card which acts as both your identification in secure areas, as well as an indicator of you having passed the necessary security clearance. TWIC cards are valid for five years. The issuance of TWIC cards is overseen by the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.
Operating While Intoxicated
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Just curious to see what keeps y'all at the current company?