C.R. England Nightmare Experience (True Story, Need Help! Nondrug User Tested Positive!)

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G-Town's Comment
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A young child living in a house 24/7 that is a methlab hardly qualifies as second hand exposure.

Interesting find. The lab told me that you cannot test positive for second hand, yet I found this...


Bird-One's Comment
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Like Turtle said, truth matters not at this point. Your chances of getting hired will be less than zero until you complete the sap program. Sooner you get that going the sooner you may catch a chance to save your career. Maybe. Or maybe not. No idea how It works but I’m guessing you will have to disclose to any potential employer that you popped for meth. The way a company may look at a failed drug test for say weed as opposed to meth may prevent you from ever getting hired.


Substance Abuse Professional

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.

Davy A.'s Comment
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To think of you smugly smiling when addicts overdose and die makes me think that maybe you just got a nice dose of karma.

Having just recently buried one my friends that lost his battle with addiction, watching his daughters grow up without their father, it's safe to say that you know nothing of addiction, it a progressive incurable fatal disease.

Perhaps your hatred of addicts is because you fear it inside yourself. One thing you would have found out if you had gotten into this industry is that the truck doesn't allow self deception.

G-Town's Comment
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I’m just going to say it...again!

I think the OP is in denial. Way too obsessed with everyone and everything around him. The link he posted? Does not apply to him unless of course he was living in a house that doubled as a methlab.

We’ve offered the only advice worthy of consideration... enter an SAP program. Your ego is getting in the way. Go through the process... otherwise forget about professional driving.


Substance Abuse Professional

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.

Kal-el T.'s Comment
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To think of you smugly smiling when addicts overdose and die makes me think that maybe you just got a nice dose of karma.

Having just recently buried one my friends that lost his battle with addiction, watching his daughters grow up without their father, it's safe to say that you know nothing of addiction, it a progressive incurable fatal disease.

Perhaps your hatred of addicts is because you fear it inside yourself. One thing you would have found out if you had gotten into this industry is that the truck doesn't allow self deception.

You know what, dude? I lost my only son because of a low life drug addict. So I honestly don't care, and if this happened to me because of the way I feel about addicts, then so be it. I will gladly take one for the team. And self deception? That's real rich.

ID Mtn Gal's Comment
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You know what, dude? I lost my only son because of a low life drug addict. So I honestly don't care, and if this happened to me because of the way I feel about addicts, then so be it. I will gladly take one for the team. And self deception? That's real rich.

I'm sorry you lost your only son. However, you lost your son because he could not say NO to even trying out any drugs for the first time. It is on him for trying the drugs and then continuing to use them...not the guy that enticed him in the first place. Again, you are making excuses...this time for your son.

I never smoked regular cigarettes until I was 29 years old. I was working in law enforcement in the Air Force and everyone I worked with smoked. So I bought a pack and tried it. I smoked 4 cigarettes and did not like the head rush that it gave me. I gave the cigarettes away and never finished the pack. And I've never smoked another one since and I'm pushing 71. I can spend my money on far better things than cigarettes.

Go get your fancy medical tests and let us know how they turned out.

BK's Comment
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Not trying to be crude, but there’s not really a delicate way to put this. If you think oral sex is to blame, you might want to rethink that practice. Look up what Michael Douglas had to say on that subject.

Kal-el T.'s Comment
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I’m just going to say it...again!

I think the OP is in denial. Way too obsessed with everyone and everything around him. The link he posted? Does not apply to him unless of course he was living in a house that doubled as a methlab.

We’ve offered the only advice worthy of consideration... enter an SAP program. Your ego is getting in the way. Go through the process... otherwise forget about professional driving.

I honestly don't care what you think...especially you. You have made your opinion of me crystal clear over and over again like some broken record. You are wrong. No matter how many times you give your opinion of me, believing that I am just another meth addict here telling the "same ol story" and you have heard it a thousand times, you will still be wrong. Therefore nothing that comes out of your mouth interests me even in the slightest. And by the way, that article I provided is one among many. Oh here is one...throw your shade on this one...


And I quote, "“For the children to test positive..., they had to be in an environment where: illicit substances were either accessible to them, being actively used when caring for them, and/or the caregiver was impaired,”

Then we have this .gov website.


"Cooking or smoking methamphetamine in a residential property contaminates the house, furnishings and personal possessions within it, with subsequent exposure through ingestion, dermal absorption and/or inhalation causing adverse health effects. Current guidelines identifying levels of methamphetamine contamination that require remediation vary between countries. There is also no international standard protocol for measuring levels of contamination and research has shown that different materials give rise to different recovery rates of methamphetamine."

So let me say this to you. I heard your advice the first time. I don't need you to repeat your advice to me every time I say something that goes against your biased opinion of me. I already know your opinion of me, it shows with every single message you send about me. You think I am in denial, well, you have to actually use or have used in the past to be in denial. So it looks like we are at a deadlock, aren't we? I will not be going to any SAP program and have somebodyfurthertreat me like an addict when I am not. I am getting enough of that crap from you, I sure as hell don't need it from them. I will however be proving my innocence. See, when you are accused of something in this world that you have not done, you are guilty until proven innocent. So it is on me to prove my innocence here. Going to SAP program will only be me giving up...and I don't give up. Not ever. I will not stop until I can prove my innocence and have that stain on my perfect record removed. I have been in touch with police, with labs, with lawyers and I am now in the process of looking in to seeing if my home has been infected with Meth. All of which I am paying for out of pocket.

S you go right on ahead and think whatever you want to think about me...but you're still wrong. Good day, sir.


Substance Abuse Professional

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.

midnight fox's Comment
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So unless she slips and tells me that she was desperate to keep me, so she tried low dosing me to get me hooked or something like that

From how it sounds, she's able to keep her drug use from interfering with her job as a nurse in a hospital, so she's probably not stupid enough to waste her drugs giving you an addiction you wouldn't know about so that you somehow magically wouldn't leave her.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
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I’m just going to say it...again!

I think the OP is in denial. Way too obsessed with everyone and everything around him. The link he posted? Does not apply to him unless of course he was living in a house that doubled as a methlab.

We’ve offered the only advice worthy of consideration... enter an SAP program. Your ego is getting in the way. Go through the process... otherwise forget about professional driving.


I honestly don't care what you think...especially you. You have made your opinion of me crystal clear over and over again like some broken record. You are wrong. No matter how many times you give your opinion of me, believing that I am just another meth addict here telling the "same ol story" and you have heard it a thousand times, you will still be wrong. Therefore nothing that comes out of your mouth interests me even in the slightest. And by the way, that article I provided is one among many. Oh here is one...throw your shade on this one...


And I quote, "“For the children to test positive..., they had to be in an environment where: illicit substances were either accessible to them, being actively used when caring for them, and/or the caregiver was impaired,”

Then we have this .gov website.


"Cooking or smoking methamphetamine in a residential property contaminates the house, furnishings and personal possessions within it, with subsequent exposure through ingestion, dermal absorption and/or inhalation causing adverse health effects. Current guidelines identifying levels of methamphetamine contamination that require remediation vary between countries. There is also no international standard protocol for measuring levels of contamination and research has shown that different materials give rise to different recovery rates of methamphetamine."

So let me say this to you. I heard your advice the first time. I don't need you to repeat your advice to me every time I say something that goes against your biased opinion of me. I already know your opinion of me, it shows with every single message you send about me. You think I am in denial, well, you have to actually use or have used in the past to be in denial. So it looks like we are at a deadlock, aren't we? I will not be going to any SAP program and have somebodyfurthertreat me like an addict when I am not. I am getting enough of that crap from you, I sure as hell don't need it from them. I will however be proving my innocence. See, when you are accused of something in this world that you have not done, you are guilty until proven innocent. So it is on me to prove my innocence here. Going to SAP program will only be me giving up...and I don't give up. Not ever. I will not stop until I can prove my innocence and have that stain on my perfect record removed. I have been in touch with police, with labs, with lawyers and I am now in the process of looking in to seeing if my home has been infected with Meth. All of which I am paying for out of pocket.

S you go right on ahead and think whatever you want to think about me...but you're still wrong. Good day, sir.

I just hope that the independent lab stuff you have set up for Monday, works in your favor. That GC/MS(sp?) test as a follow up, I found in a link I sent you, should be mandatory (by you.)

My late ex husband took his own life right after Christmas in 2009 (while our mutual son was with me and my 'now' husband,) due to his own addiction to methamphetamine. He was a prior truck driver, as well. I'm losing 'relevance' here, but .... I just hope you CAN prove your innocence, is all.

Best to you, sir.

~ Anne ~

ps: I remember my late ex said something about Sudafed and Vicks Inhalers go in to meth. Did you take any?

~ Anne ~


Substance Abuse Professional

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.

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