CRST has always had driver facing cameras in the trucks, just not activated, plus ours either had tape covering it, or we covered it. As far as the mic, (some hidden) supposedly weren't "on" either. Me, I'd cover it up myself, that's just me, and deal with it, as it came (from safety dept) or whoever......
Trucking Along with Kearsey has a video out about Prime’s recent evaluation of driver facing cameras and the decision not to install them.
She says the reason not to install was because of the potential liability costs against the company from lawsuits when lawyers subpoenas the video. It out weighed potential savings.
Actually.... i said that is why Prime has a policy against drivers recording themselves and posting it on Youtube. That could possibly be an issue. I didnt say prime said it was. But we cant record ourselves that proves we didnt look in cameras....but they will put a camera in every truck that could?
Prime was looking at 4 different new elog devices. They all had different capabilities.
One that had the microphone allowed 2 way hands free voice communication with dispatch. It also allowed an On Star type of voice activation for accidents. So if a driver was injured, they could get help without their phone or moving.
In the end...i was told it all came at a higher price than what prime wanted to pay. I still think it was a distraction so drivers didnt notice how bad freight got.
Electronic Logbook
A device which records the amount of time a vehicle has been driven. If the vehicle is not being driven, the operator will manually input whether or not he/she is on duty or not.
I disagree, if enough drivers stop bending over and taking what ever a company throws at them the company might change their policies.
THANK YOU Bobcat Bob. I literally was just saying this in another thread and accidentally ranted like a madman lmao.
In this particular situation I only agree about not wanting driver facing cameras because of the liability and that’s it. Like others have said, driver facing cameras can give lawyers more things to criticize. If it weren’t for that I’d be in favor of driver facing cameras because phone usage is a huge problem and I’ve seen it first hand waaaaaay too much where I currently work. Accountability is a good thing and there currently is no other way to tell if drivers are texting/watching videos while driving. You can see reflections in outward facing cameras but primarily only at night. Unfortunately the last thing I need is a lawyer saying I’m liable for a non-preventable accident because I was taking a bite out of my sandwich right before it happened.
Also ERROL YOU’RE BACK!!!!!!!!!
Missed you around these parts!!
Driving While Intoxicated
Ditto on the return of Errol! We can also just imagine when they mandate cameras in 4 wheelers so everyone can be watched.
In the search bar, enter "oreos".
They put cameras in our trucks 2ish years ago, we don't have driver facing cameras. People made it very clear if they do driver facing they will quit. So they deactivated the driver camera and put a sticker over the hole the lens is supposed to be in.
I'm not 100% opposed to them, but I do not need someone judging my every move.
THANK YOU Bobcat Bob I literally was just saying this in another thread and accidentally ranted like a madman lmao.
I saw it and was like preach brother! Lol
Meanwhile, on the subject of social media combined with the book, 1984:
...What Orwell failed to predict was that we'd buy the cameras ourselves, and that our biggest fear would be that nobody was watching.
Meanwhile, on the subject of social media combined with the book, 1984:
...What Orwell failed to predict was that we'd buy the cameras ourselves, and that our biggest fear would be that nobody was watching.
That's powerful.
I have one of those in my Schneider truck and Schneider says they don't use them either on their website. It can see in the cab when the curtains are closed too, not cool! I'm thinking about flipping it around or maybe putting lip balm on it or something.
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Trucking Along with Kearsey has a video out about Prime’s recent evaluation of driver facing cameras and the decision not to install them.
She says the reason not to install was because of the potential liability costs against the company from lawsuits when lawyers subpoenas the video. It out weighed potential savings.