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Section 14: On-road Driving Test

This Section Covers:

  • How You Will Be Tested
  • General Driving Behaviors
  • Electronic Device Law

You will drive over a test route that has a variety of traffic situations. At all times during the test, you must drive in a safe and responsible manner. You must wear your safety belt; obey all traffic signs, signals, and laws; and complete the test without an accident or violation. No radios, electronic devices, or phones may be on during the test.

During the driving test, the examiner will be scoring you on specific driving maneuvers as well as on your general driving behavior. You will follow the directions of the examiner. Directions will be given to you so you will have plenty of time to do what the examiner has asked. You will not be asked to drive in an unsafe manner.

If your test route does not have certain traffic situations, they may ask you to simulate a traffic situation. You will do this by telling the examiner what you are doing or would do if you were in that traffic situation.

How You Will Be Tested


You have been asked to make a turn:

  • Check traffic in all directions.
  • Use turn signals and safely get into the lane needed for the turn.

As you approach the turn:

  • Use turn signals to warn others of your turn.
  • Slow down smoothly, change gears as needed to keep power, but do not coast unsafely. Unsafe coasting occurs when your vehicle is out of gear (clutch depressed or gearshift in neutral) for more than the length of your vehicle.

If you must stop before making the turn:

  • Come to a smooth stop without skidding.
  • Come to a complete stop behind the stop line, crosswalk or stop sign.
  • If stopping behind another vehicle, stop where you can see the rear tires on the vehicle ahead of you (safe gap).
  • Do not let your vehicle roll.
  • Keep the front wheels aimed straight ahead.

When ready to turn:

  • Check traffic in all directions.
  • Keep both hands on the steering wheel during the turn.
  • Keep checking your mirror to make sure the vehicle does not hit anything on the inside of the turn.
  • Vehicle should not move into oncoming traffic.
  • Vehicle should finish turn in correct lane.

After turn:

  • Make sure turn signal is off.
  • Get up to speed of traffic, use turn signal and move into right-most lane when safe to do so (if not already there).
  • Check mirrors and traffic.

Multiple-Choice Questions:

Question #537 (1 of 4)

Give a brief explanation of the problem:

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After completing a turn on your driving exam, which of the following is NOT the correct procedure?

  • Get up to speed of traffic
  • Check your mirrors and traffic
  • Make sure your turn signal is off
  • Use turn signal and move into the left-most lane when safe to do so (if not already there)

After turn:

  • Make sure turn signal is off.
  • Get up to speed of traffic, use turn signal and move into right-most lane when safe to do so (if not already there).
  • Check mirrors and traffic.
Question #536 (2 of 4)

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While making a turn during your driving exam, which of the following is NOT the correct procedure?

  • Keep checking your mirror to make sure the vehicle does not hit anything on the inside of the turn.
  • Keep both hands on the steering wheel during the turn.
  • Your vehicle should not move into oncoming traffic.
  • Bump the curb to the inside of the turn with your trailer tires to make sure you're tight to the corner

When ready to turn:

  • Check traffic in all directions.
  • Keep both hands on the steering wheel during the turn.
  • Keep checking your mirror to make sure the vehicle does not hit anything on the inside of the turn.
  • Vehicle should not move into oncoming traffic.
  • Vehicle should finish turn in correct lane.
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Question #535 (3 of 4)

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If you must stop behind another vehicle during the driving exam, how far away should you stop?

  • Stop at least the length of your vehicle behind the person in front of you
  • Stop at least 10 ft behind the vehicle ahead of you
  • Stop where you can see the rear tires of the vehicle ahead of you
  • Stop at least 50 ft behind the vehicle in front of you
When stopping behind another vehicle, stop where you can see the rear tires of the vehicle ahead of you (safe gap).
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Question #534 (4 of 4)

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During your driving exam as you approach a turn you must slow down smoothly, change gears as needed to keep power, but do not coast unsafely. Unsafe coasting occurs when your vehicle is out of gear for:

  • 100 ft
  • More than the length of your vehicle
  • Three times the length of your vehicle
  • 25 ft

As you approach the turn:

  • Use turn signals to warn others of your turn.
  • Slow down smoothly, change gears as needed to keep power, but do not coast unsafely. Unsafe coasting occurs when your vehicle is out of gear (clutch depressed or gearshift in neutral) for more than the length of your vehicle.
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